Sunday, December 30, 2012

Brighter Days Ahead

This slightly crazy looking cardinal was how I choose to use my brand new set of reds!  I received several sets of pastels for Christmas, and before I broke up this gorgeous set  I decided to use them in a painting.  I have never done anything so red before, and I love it!  I think I will end/start off the year doing a series of birds, (sorry Melanie).  I need to stretch my wings, and have very little experience with our feathered friends.

The days are getting longer again, there is hope!  We finally have a nice thick covering of snow and I was able to start the day with a ski.

Looking back over the year I have not spent as much time painting as I had planned, and I have not conquered that fear of wasting paper yet, so I have plenty to work on in 2013.  Happy New Year!

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